Rick Mercer has written an interesting comparison of Stephen Harper and a polar bear in a German zoo who was so nurtured growing up, that when the attention was gone, it became depressed. It is pretty crazy that a bunch of the supporters of Harper on Thursday were a bunch of paid staffers. Seems almost a bit dishonest to suggest he had a huge amount of support there. Of course, this is the same guy who secretly taped a closed NDP meeting last week.
Of course, one of the items on my list in this post is coming true. In all likelihood Stephane Dion will be gone in the coming week. Although I can't say I will likely support Ignatieff or Rae, at the very least they are more competent than Dion. Things already seem to be calming down, and I am sure that by the second week of January we will have another Liberal leader. It really is too bad there isn't someone more inspiring than Ignatieff or Dion, though.
Even more amusing, it was a prediction that, when repeated to a certain Liberal we both know, was scoffed at as being impossible.
Score one for logic.
It seems more and more that the partisans are not willing to accept reality.
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