Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prorogue happens

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Well, proroguation has happened. We now have no government working for the next month and a half, basically summing it up since the beginning of the election to make it almost 5 months (or even 7 months if you count the fact that there was the summer break). Another thing mentioned is that sets the dangerous president that the Prime Minister now has the power to prorogue whenever he is set to lose a confidence vote. Here are some things I would like to see:

1) Stephane Dion resign and the Liberals settle their leadership contest a week before parliament resumes. It is clear that he has little support from Canadians, and he should step down before he destroys the Liberal Party.

2) Stephen Harper resign before he tears this country into 4 or 5 parts. Regionalism was on a downturn in the earlier party of the decade, and now it has been inflamed to levels not seen since the Meech Lake Accord failure. He is not a leader and has no ability to bring people from across the country. He should resign so that another Conservative leader can patch up things with Quebec before the damage is permanent. He should resign so that there is a chance that there can be a deal made with another party before a confidence vote.

3) I want see an economic stimulus package laid out before the budget. There should be a lot of spending on infrastructure in particular, especially after hearing about things like the bridge closure in Ottawa. Canada's infrastructure is falling apart, and now is a great time to build it up again when the threats of unemployment and falling exports is very real.

4) I think it is necessary that people get educated on how parliament works, and what the roles of the elected members and the Governor General are. News networks should really broadcast prime time specials on this issue, so that people know and aren't stonewalled with rhetoric.

5) A promise to close the loophole in the elections law that allowed Harper to call the early election in the fall. Would we be at this point if there was no election?

6) I want to see an end to all private donations of public parties. I think the Conservative media bombardment now and long before the election should never be allowed, and it wouldn't happen if the Conservatives didn't have more money than the rest of the other parties combined. This is very unlikely to happen, and many people do not see why public funding of politics is a good idea. Another good idea would be to make laws that prevent electioneering and public advertising for political parties outside of elections. That is something that I think is more important.

Living in Sudbury, the largest company here, Vale Inco has started to shut down mines and get people to retire early.  I'm sure that elsewhere the same kind of things are happening.  And we currently have no working government.  This really is pretty crazy.  It certainly will be an interesting holiday season.

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