Monday, November 17, 2008

The Quebec Election

Relevant CBC Editorial

Now, I am pretty much electioned out, and have chosen to pretty much ignore the election in Quebec, the second in just over a year.  Everything is pointing to the ADQ collapsing.  People do not like Jean Charest and nobody cares about separation right now.

The article I linked is certainly sensationalist.  I have driven through a large part of Quebec, and I didn't think that the roads were any worse than anywhere else in Canada.  I don't really know a whole lot of people who are from Quebec, so I cannot comment on the health care and education systems.  There has been a common theme that is heard from many commentators that the province has stagnated as the red herring of separation from Canada continues to persist.  The politics of Quebec continues to be stuck on tired ideals based solely on separation vs continuation in Canada.  Right now, Quebec, no less than the rest of Canada, needs leadership to deal with the recession and ultimately build up infrastructure.  Although blaming socialism is probably a bit harsh, it is unlikely that any of the three parties has any real plan to deal with the real problems facing Quebec.

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